

What is Polycythemia
What is Polycythemia
When hemoglobin in the blood decreases, it is called anemia. Polycythemia is the opposite. Polycythemia increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If hemoglobin is more than 16.5 g / dl for boys and 15.5 g / dl for girls, then it will be considered as polycythemia.

Types of polycythemia: 

There are basically two types of polycythemia. Polycythemia can be caused by bone marrow or stem cell problems. This is called primary polycythemia or polycythemia rubra vera. Secondary polycythemia is when there is an increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood due to any other disease. In addition there is relative polycythemia. That is, the number of cells did not increase, but the number of blood cells increased in proportion to the plasma. Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, diuretics, etc. can cause a decrease in plasma and increase the proportion of blood cells.

Symptoms of polycythemia: 

headache, shortness of breath, poor eyesight, itching, etc. Bathing in hot water will increase itching. The patient's eyes and face may become red. Spleen enlargement, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, joint pain may occur.

Diagnosis of polycythemia: 

It is detected in CBC test. Levels of hemoglobin and PCV or hematocrit can give an initial idea about the disease. The next step is to see if there is any other reason. In addition, tumor marker examination, chest X-ray, ultrasonogram, heart echocardiogram, ECG, etc. need to be examined. Erythropoietin level testing is important in this case, although the chances are low in almost all countries. Bone marrow tests and cytogenetic tests are performed to look for mutations in specific genes if they are thought to be due to marrow problems.

Treatment of Polycythemia: 

The primary treatment is venous anesthesia. However, this blood cannot be given to anyone. Venicesection may be needed once or more than once a week. In addition, medicines are also used.

Remember Polycythemia

If you take regular treatment for primary polycythemia, you can stay well for many days. 5% of patients are more likely to develop blood cancer later in life. 20-30% of patients may suffer from myelofibrosis. When the amount of blood in the body becomes too thick, blood flow / circulation becomes slow. Then the risk of stroke, heart attack, etc. increases. Polycythemia is also cured by treating the disease responsible for secondary polycythemia.

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