
Understand the Eight Symptoms of Lung Cancer:

Symptoms of Lung Cancer
One of the most important organs in our body is the lungs. And the most horrible infection of this vital organ that works to breathe is cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that lung cancer has become the most deadly cancer in the world today.

But there are many of us who ignore the symptoms of lung cancer without realizing it. Again, the symptoms of lung cancer may not always be at an early stage. But the sooner you understand lung cancer, the easier it will be to treat it. So, find out today that you will understand the symptoms of lung cancer.

1. Coughing most of the time

Many people ignore the problem of cough. But it can also be a sign of lung cancer. If you have a cough most of the time, you should consult a doctor without neglect.

2. Changes in the sound of coughing or chest pain during coughing

After coughing for a long time, the sound of coughing may change and chest pain may occur during coughing. In this case, it is necessary to take the advice of a doctor without neglecting it. Because it can also be a symptom of lung cancer.

3. Shortness of breath while doing any work

Doing the things, you used to do without any problems, then you feel like you are stopping breathing. If such a problem occurs, it may be a symptom of lung cancer.

4. Coffee bleeding

A lot of the time coughing up phlegm and bleeding may occur if there is lung cancer.

5. Chest or shoulder pain

Another symptom of lung cancer is chest or shoulder pain.

6. Chest infections

A chest infection that occurs after a few days or once a chest infection has not healed for many days can be a sign of lung cancer.

7. Loss of appetite and weight loss

Lung cancer can cause loss of appetite and weight loss.

8. Feeling tired

Fatigue can be a symptom of lung cancer. It can always make you feel tired.

If you see these symptoms in your body, you should consult a doctor immediately without neglecting.

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

Cough: In two-thirds of patients, cough is seen as an early sign of lung cancer. There may be dry cough or frequent coughing, excessive coughing with coughing or severe coughing at night.

Bleeding with cough: This is also one of the symptoms of lung cancer and is more common in male patients who smoke. In this case blood goes with the sputum or with saliva and saliva and it is seen that there is repeated infection in some part of the lungs.

Chest pain: This symptom is seen in about 30% of patients with lung cancer. Occasionally there is mild chest pain when the tumor is around the lung membrane, but if the tumor penetrates the lung membrane or pleura, there is persistent chest pain.

Fever: Inflammation due to cancer causes fever and body temperature is below 36 degrees. In this case no antibiotics work and fever comes again and again.

Chest pain and shortness of breath: Cancer causes obstruction of the respiratory system in the lungs.

Swelling of the finger: In this case the finger becomes swollen and there is pain especially around the ankles and around the nails.

Rheumatism: Pain in the joints of the body such as knees, elbows, wrists, etc. The pain can even cause severe difficulty in moving or walking.

Many of the symptoms of lung cancer (loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue) are not specific. Many patients have cancer metastasis or spread before the disease is diagnosed. The most common areas of cancer are brain, bone, liver, pericardium, and kidney. About 10% of people with cancer have no symptoms at all. These cancer patients are diagnosed with routine tests, such as chest X-rays.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a disease in which uncontrolled cell proliferation occurs in the lung tissues. This increase can lead to metastasis, invasion of neighboring tissues, and infection outside the lungs. Most of the early lung cancers are lung carcinomas, which are found in the epithelial cells of the lungs. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men and the second leading cause of death in women. About 1.3 million people worldwide die each year from lung cancer. Common symptoms of lung cancer include difficulty breathing, coughing up blood and weight loss.

Causes of lung cancer
Long-term tobacco use is responsible for 75% of lung cancers. The remaining 10-15% of those who have never smoked are infected. Genetic factors, air pollution, etc. are one of the major causes of lung cancer.

Diagnosis of lung cancer
Lung cancer can be detected by chest X-ray examination and computer tomography. This can be confirmed later with a biopsy.

Treatment methods and remedies for lung cancer:

Notable among the treatments for lung cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Many times combined treatment of three methods is given.

Targeted therapy is currently in use. Lung cancer is easier to cure if caught early.

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