
Psoriatic Arthritis: Type, Sign & Symptoms, Cause, Diagnosed, Treatment


Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis

What is psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes the skin to become red and scaly. Psoriatic arthritis is a type of inflammation (swelling) of the joints that develops in patients with psoriasis; Infected lumps become swollen and often become quite painful. Generally, people with psoriatic arthritis develop psoriasis a few years before the onset of arthritis symptoms.

Different types of psoriatic arthritis:

* Distal Arthritis: Arthritis of the last joint of the finger.

* Oligo-arthritis: Arthritis of two to four joints.

* Poly-arthritis: Arthritis of more than five joints. In this case, usually the same joints on both sides of the body are affected and symptoms like rheumatoid arthritis are formed.

* Arthritis Mutilance: In most cases, the ankle joint is deformed. The various fingers and toes of the hand also shrink.

* Spondyloarthritis: The joints of the spine are damaged.

What are its main signs and symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis?

Since it is a type of arthritis, its signs and symptoms can vary from case to case. The most common signs and symptoms in people with this condition are: Swelling or stiffness in the joints. Muscle pain. Scabies in different parts of the skin. Attacks small knots, such as fingers and toes, wrists, ankles and elbows. Eye problems can also occur in some cases, the most common being conjunctivitis (eye swelling) and UVITIS.

What is the Cause for this of Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is more common in people who have been suffering from psoriasis for some time. Like psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is thought to be caused when the body's immune system attacks healthy tissues. Therefore, it is also called autoimmune condition. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

The main Cause of Psoriatic Arthritis

"There are two common types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis. The type of autoimmune disorder that causes joint damage is called inflammatory arthritis. Such as gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. Post-traumatic arthritis can be caused by an injury from childhood. Or post-infective arthritis can occur after an infection in the joint. These too later turned into osteoarthritis. Then it is secondary osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis without any cause is a condition of primary osteoarthritis.”

This psoriatic arthritis is more common in people who have been suffering from psoriasis for a long time. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body's immune system attacks healthy cells. According to many, this is exactly what causes psoriatic arthritis.

However, the exact origin of this disease is not known. Disagreements can be noticed with this. It is commonly thought that the disease can be caused by a variety of genetic or environmental factors, such as stress, a virus, or an injury.

This problem is common of Psoriatic Arthritis:

* The knot swells and becomes hard.

* Pain also spreads to the adjacent muscles.

* Pain in the waist or knees after waking up in the morning. Walking, walking decreases, but rest increases again.

* About half an hour or forty minutes in the morning the joints become hard or inflexible.

* Ninety percent of infected people have brittle nails, broken nails from the beginning.

* A certain finger suddenly swells to the size of a sausage, also called ductalitis.

However, the presence of these symptoms in psoriatic arthritis cannot be ruled out. It requires a specific examination according to the doctor's advice.

How is it diagnosed and treated of Psoriatic Arthritis?

Depending on the symptoms of the joint problem or stiffness, the doctor may order some tests and refer the patient to a rheumatologist for further evaluation. The most common tests for arthritis are X-rays and blood tests to see if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels are high. No one particular drug is effective for all types of arthritis, so it may be necessary to try more than one drug before finding the right one. In addition to physical therapy, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic drugs can be given to help with mobility and joint problems. Corticosteroids, biologic or immunosuppressive drugs may also be used. In most cases, arthritis is permanent and can be difficult to control, but with proper medication and therapy, its recurrence can be avoided.

General treatment of psoriatic arthritis

The main purpose of treatment of psoriatic arthritis is joint pain and inflexibility of the patient. As well as helping to alleviate the other symptoms of psoriasis and help the patient to return to normal life as much as possible.

* Weight loss: In the case of psoriatic arthritis, 40 percent of patients are found to be obese or obese. Weight control will make the treatment easier for psoriasis and any type of arthritis.

* Exercise and therapy: Exercise is very important for this disease. There are many benefits to swimming or doing such cardio vascular exercises according to the body's ability. Physical exercise alone helps to alleviate much of the pain and stiffness of psoriasis and spondyloarthritis.

* Vaccines: Since psoriatic arthritis suppresses the body's immune system by taking antiarrhythmic drugs (immunosuppression), this increases the risk of other bacterial infections in the body. Hepatitis B vaccine, including pneumonia, is therefore recommended by doctors in many cases for patients with psoriatic arthritis.

* Painkillers: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help control pain and reduce the pain of arthritis. In order to get the anti-inflammatory effect of this medicine, it is necessary to take the medicine in the prescribed amount and for a certain period of time as per the advice of an experienced doctor. If the initial dose of such medication does not relieve the symptoms, the physician may gradually increase the dose or give another NSAID to the patient.

Surgery and replacement of Psoriatic Arthritis

You may have to decide on surgery or replacement at the very last stage. However, it must be taken following the advice of an experienced doctor. This decision is made by judging the stage of the disease “X-rays of almost all people from the age of 45-50 show signs of arthritis. But there may be no signs of it outside. About 10 to 15 percent of those people may have symptoms. Of these, only 2% of patients may need surgery. Needless to say, surgery means but not replacement. Some of the surgeon's specific visions work behind the surgery. Human life is not eternal. When we are doing something with the help of knives and scissors, its purpose will always be to take the patient to a better life. That's why if the severity of the disease is so high that the patient's normal life is being disrupted, then surgery is considered to get him a little better. '' After that the question of surgery arose.

Other potential problems from psoriatic arthritis

In the case of psoriatic arthritis, inflammation can also occur where the ligament or tendon is attached to the bone. This is called psoriatic anesthesia. In these cases, inflammation usually occurs at the joint of the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle, at the site of the plantar fascia attachment of the sole of the foot. This causes pain to be felt in these areas in the morning or after rest.

Patients with psoriatic arthritis may experience eye problems. This can cause one or both eyes to become red and difficult to see. This is called UVITIS.

Patients with psoriatic arthritis, such as those with psoriasis, may have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. According to specialist doctors, this risk can be reduced by taking certain medications and changing lifestyle.

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