
Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack?

Diabetic Heart Attack

Patients with diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease. A recent study found that people with type 2 diabetes, whose blood sugar fluctuates at an alarming rate, are more likely to have heart disease. The new report comes after it was published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. The study was performed on about 29,000 patients who have had type 2 diabetes for two years.

Research has shown that people who suffer from unimaginable blood sugar fluctuations are at an absolute margin in the event of a heart attack. So, they need to be much, much more aware

Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack. And the chances of this horrible heart attack are increasing. Therefore, it is very important not to test at the right time. Because, many times this heart attack is so painless that for the first few hours the patient does not realize that he has had a heart attack. If a diabetic patient suffers from problems such as shortness of breath or chest pain, he should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The goal is to create awareness about the serious damage that can be done to the eyes, kidneys, heart, brain and nerves as a result of diabetes. The sooner you are diagnosed with diabetes, the greater the risk of injury. Do not neglect to consider coughing or shortness of breath as common pneumonia. If you have diabetes, this problem can be terrible. So, the flu and pneumococcal vaccine are important. In addition, regular blood sugar tests. Therefore, the importance of a balanced diet to deal with diabetes.

Again, those who have a weak heart need to be extra careful during the winter. They need to exercise regularly. You need to make small changes in your routine to avoid the cold or fog of the morning. To keep the heart healthy, you need to eat foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. Be careful about water and salt. Because drinking too much salt and water can cause problems.

What diabetics do to reduce the risk of heart attack

Patients with diabetes are more likely to have a heart attack. This is because of high blood pressure, cholesterol and being overweight. Experts say that if diabetes is not under control then the risk of heart attack can increase at any time. But where is the link between diabetes and increased risk of heart attack?

When diabetes increases, heart problems occur. As a result of this long-term disease, the body's immune system begins to decline. Diabetes also causes severe damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, brain and nerves.

Blood sugar levels in diabetics can damage blood vessels as well as increase inflammation. Blocking the normal blood flow to the heart. This increases the risk of heart attack.

If the diabetic patient has been coughing or shortness of breath for a long time, do not neglect the general pneumonia. If you have diabetes, this problem can be terrible. Therefore, flu and pneumococcal vaccines are very important for the prevention of infection.

Both high blood pressure and diabetes double the risk of heart disease. Unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels - these build up in the arteries. It is also a major cause of the development of insulin resistance.

If a diabetic patient is overweight after 30 years; In that case diabetes and obesity increase the risk of heart disease.

Mainly unhealthy food intake, blood sugar levels, salt, saturated and trans-fat and processed foods are related to heart disease and diabetes.

Read More... Diabetes Test

How to take care of heart patients with diabetes -

>> According to doctors, there is no substitute for healthy eating to control blood sugar levels.

>> Diabetics should regularly eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lemon, low fat milk.

>> Control blood sugar levels. Try to keep the three months average sugar below 7, if possible below 8.5.

>> There is no alternative to control blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and take the necessary medications to control it.

>> Make it a habit to eat low calorie and fatty foods.

>> Refrain from smoking and drinking.

>> Take 1-2 hours walk every day. Exercise and control your weight.

>> Keep in touch with the doctor and be aware in advance by checking whether there is heart disease or not. 

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