
What is Blisters Dermatitis?

Blisters Dermatitis
Numerous skin diseases are named after blisters. But it is not possible to describe so many skin diseases in detail at once. Therefore, in a nutshell, some of the important blisters are described below:

By blister dermatitis we generally understand that the skin will swell apart from the epidermis where it will contain clear watery fluid. Its depth can extend to any layer of skin epidermis. The disease is divided into different groups such as:

(1) Congenital: epidermolysis bullosa

(2) antigen antibody reaction; Pempigas, pempigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis etc.

(3) Infectious: Impetigo, smallpox, Staphylococcus infection of the skin.

(4) Unknown cause: Erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Pemphigus is one of the most important diseases in blisters. Let's talk about pempigas very briefly.

Pempigas: For unknown reasons, the disease is most prevalent among the Jewish population, although its prevalence is worldwide. The disease is most common in the age group of 20-40 years, although it can occur at any age.

Symptoms: The disease starts slowly. The disease first begins in the membranes of the oral cavity and gradually spreads to the skin. Normal-skin is velvety, with no acne and even in color There is a lot of pain in this wound and it can bleed very easily and it does not want to get better, that is, if it is not treated, it stays in that condition for a long time. Numerous wounds or sores are seen to be formed at the same time. This type of blister can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly affects the face, chest and back. Folded areas of the body and pressure areas of the body.

When the blistered areas heal, black spots appear on those areas. After a few days, this process of recovery and reappearance continues in stages.

A biopsy, immunofluorescence I & G antibody diagnosis and Tzanck tests are performed to diagnose the disease.

Another notable disease is dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). Dermatitis herpetiformis is a disease characterized by blisters and is more common in adult males. Rarely seen in children.

Symptoms: The disease may start suddenly, but may reappear slowly. The disease is concentrated in one place and reddish in the form of small foscars with severe itching. It is usually seen in the same places on both sides of the body. The most commonly affected areas are the elbow, ni, buttocks, sacral area of ​​the solder. When the blisters rupture, the wound develops and when it heals, the area becomes white or black in color.

The drug Dapson is very effective in this disease. Significant benefits are seen within a few days of starting the drug.

Erythema multiforme: This disease is often seen. It affects the skin and mucous membranes. This is called a special kind of reaction. This reaction may be due to the reaction of the drug. For example, you have taken a drug that may contain penicillin, sulfonamide, barbiturates. The disease can also be caused by the effects of bacterial or fungal infections after being infected with the herpes virus.

Symptoms: A small bloody center with red spots on the skin on all four sides. In some cases, it also appears in the form of foscar. These blisters are seen to be multiple or innumerable together. Which also heals after two or three weeks. After healing, the skin may look black or white. Most often it affects the face, hands and feet. When it occurs in the form of foscar, the mucous membrane of the mouth is also affected. If severe, the condition is called Stevens-Johnson syndrome, in which the mucous membranes of the skin, mouth, and genital tract are affected, and such attacks can be life-threatening. There are many more blisters. However, some important blister diseases are briefly discussed here.


Take care at the right time, stay healthy

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Blisters Dermatitis

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