
Prurigo Rash Pregnancy: How to get rid of rash during pregnancy

Prurigo rash pregnancy

Pregnancy not only takes you on a roller coaster of emotions, but it also gives you changes in your body that are not pleasant at all. While skin radiance during pregnancy is an undeniable part, it is also an undesirable part of the package of rashes, stretch marks and other skin problems during pregnancy.

What is pregnancy rash?

Rash is a skin problem that manifests itself during pregnancy due to the symptoms of pregnancy. These can be accompanied by irritation and itching. Different types of rashes occur for different reasons and if any one of these can be noticed on your skin, it is better to consult a doctor.

What is the cause of rash during pregnancy?

There is no specific cause for rash during pregnancy. Some types of rash could not be linked to any underlying cause, but certain rashes can occur during pregnancy:

1. Infection

When an allergic reaction or infection attacks your body, it starts producing a compound called histamine as a resistance to the reaction. It can present itself in the form of rashes or swollen parts on the skin.

2. Hormones affect the liver

Some problems, such as cholestasis, are caused by high levels of hormones in the body, which affect the normal functioning of the gallbladder and lead to itching and rashes.

3. Invasion from embryonic cells

One theory is that if embryonic cells invade the mother's skin, it can cause itching, swelling, and rashes.

4. Inflammation

As your stomach expands due to excess weight, the tissues also expand and the tissue is damaged in the process. This can lead to a rash or rash. It is very common in pregnant women carrying multiple fetuses.

Where does rash appear during pregnancy?

Depending on the type, rashes can appear on any part of the body during pregnancy, including the skin, thighs, hands and breasts.

Can Rash Affect Your Baby?

Most rashes, such as PUPP (Preventive Uterine Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy), do not affect your baby. However, there are other rashes or skin infections that, if not treated in time, can lead to complications and can sometimes be fatal.

Types of pregnancy rash

There are some common rashes during pregnancy, which can be of different types and have varying degrees of severity. They are listed below.


Prevalent euthanal papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPP) are a common rash, experienced by many pregnant women. It is known to affect one in every 150 pregnant women and presents itself by the 34th week. It is characterized by red spots or scars or by the swollen part associated with itching. According to some researchers, it is believed that PUPPP is caused by invading fetal cells in the mother's skin. The rash caused by this condition usually appears first on the abdomen and spreads to the thighs, breasts, arms and buttocks.

PUPP does no harm to mother and baby and disappears after delivery. It can also be treated with topical ointment.

2. Prior to pregnancy

This condition is also known as eczema of pregnancy and it usually occurs in the second trimester. In this condition women will see small red spots on different parts of their body like hands, feet, breasts etc. This condition can look like atopic dermatitis, but it should not be confused with thinking.

3. Intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy

Pregnancy cholestasis occurs in the third trimester and affects about one in every 1,000 pregnancies. This condition is caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones, which affect the flow of bile outside the liver. As bile flow decreases, a portion of the bile in the liver may leak into the bloodstream. It causes a sensation of endless itching throughout the body, but can also be limited to the hands and feet. Other symptoms of this condition include pale stools, dark urine, mild jaundice and discoloration of the skin (skin and eyes may appear yellow).

Cholestasis can increase the risk of fetal distress and even premature birth or stillbirth. Thus, when the baby's lungs are developed to prevent any complications, it is best to induce labor. Your doctor may prescribe medications that can help lower bile levels in the blood and monitor your baby regularly to see if there is a need for early labor.

4. Pemphigoid gestationis

Pemphigoid gastritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy but can also start in the second trimester. In this condition, the immunoglobulin type-G autoantibodies attack and damage the skin cells because they mistakenly perceive them as an invasive threat. The problem presents itself as a red imprint around the navel in the abdomen and also spreads to the arms, back and buttocks. As it progresses, the itching develops into rashes and blisters, which are either filled with fluid or simply form swollen patches.

It gets better after most women give birth; However, in some women it can last for months after delivery. It is not known to affect the fetus, but in rare cases complications can result in premature birth or transient blisters caused by the absorption of the mother's antibodies, which clear up within a few months.

5. Impetigo herpetiformis

Although rare, it is a serious condition that occurs in the form of blisters around the groin, near the elbows and knees, and even in early pregnancy it causes rashes or rashes. Other symptoms associated with this condition include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever and runny nose, and lymph node problems. The blisters form a cluster and are filled with pus. These dry up and fall off within a few days. New blisters form in place of the old ones. The condition needs to be diagnosed at an early stage and the woman needs to be treated intensively, as it can lead to fetal death and even maternal death if left untreated.

6. Preterm folliculitis of pregnancy

Pruritic folliculitis occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This condition is characterized by small pimples and is usually mistaken for bacterial folliculitis. It does not pose a risk to the baby or the mother and is cured after pregnancy.

Treatment of skin rash during pregnancy

Most pregnancies are treated with topical corticosteroids. Benzoyl peroxide can also be used for conditions such as pruritic folliculitis. Antihistamines such as chlorphenamine can also be used to relieve itching. Occasionally, oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, may be prescribed. It is also advisable to apply emollient to soften and moisturize your skin to prevent cracking and dryness.

Natural remedies

You can also try some natural remedies to get rid of rash. While not all of these remedies have scientific support, many women find them beneficial.

Drinking vegetable juices helps to detox and cleanse the body.

Collagen supplements can help repair damaged tissues and strengthen them. The best way to do this is to mix a few teaspoons of grass-fed collagen in your fruit juice. Topical collagen creams are not very effective because the collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin.

Tea made from dandelion root and nettle leaves can purify the liver and blood and reduce itching and inflammation.

Applying anti-inflammatory herbs like chamomile, Chinese scallops and calendula helps to temporarily reduce skin inflammation. These herbs can be added to lotions, aloe vera or dyne hazel for easy application.

Soaking the body in a bath tub with oatmeal helps to reduce the itching of the skin and help to moisturize it. You can wrap some chamomile tea and oatmeal in a cloth, put it in your tub and sit in that water for 20 minutes.

Adaptogen used to reduce stress can also help control immunity. Since the use of adaptogen during pregnancy has not been adequately studied, it is advisable to limit its use.

If itching disturbs your night's sleep, you can use chamomile and lavender to help you relax and get some sleep.

Black cherry juice is also a great way to get rid of PUPPPP rashes during pregnancy.

Different types of rashes and skin conditions have different levels of severity during pregnancy. Therefore, the best way to make sure you and your baby are safe is to diagnose and treat them as soon as the first signs of scarring appear.

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